2gab Rubicon elektriskā pildspalvu, zīmuli, elektriskie testeri zīmuli pārbaudes 150-250V Spriegums atklāšanas RVT-211 RVT-212 RVT-111 RVT-112

Tagi: smart home drošības robots, kamera robots ar, 10 sprieguma tests pildspalvu, sprieguma testēšana ar pildspalvu, andriod kamera, rūpniecības sprieguma tests pildspalvu, kamera robots, kameras kustība, sprieguma testeris pildspalva live, detektors led.

  • Pieejams
  • w11848

  • Izcelsme: KN(Izcelsmes valsts)
  • Modeļa Numurs: RVT-211 + RVT-212, vai RVT-111 + RVT-112
  • Zīmola Nosaukums: PLCOME
  • DIY Piederumi: ELEKTRISKĀ

Šī saikne ir divas pildspalvas, sarkans RVT-211 īstermiņa un RVT-212 ilgi

vai caurspīdīgs RVT-111 īstermiņa un RVT-112 ilgi

4 veidu RUBICON Testētājiem, lūdzu, nopirkt, atbilstoši jūsu vajadzībām,

Modelis : RVT-111 pārredzamu mazo 3.0x140mm

Modelis : RVT-112 pārredzamu big 3.5x178mm

Modelis : RVT-211 red mazo 3.0x140mm

Modelis : RVT-212 red big 3.5x178mm

Bendabdel Du11
Very good quality
Gulira Ismailova
The description of the screwdriver correspond, but only in the description it is not indicated that they show the tip. For the house, to determine the presence of the phase will come down, for more professional use, definitely not. The seller did well, asked to send two small screwdrivers, he complied with my request. The seller is five, the goods are three.

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